Ion Exchange Technology
The ion Exchange Technology has been developed in 2022 to soil fertility level evaluations without the need to deploy soil samples to complex labs. Such labs are usually scarce, with limited equipment hence offers sometimes very limited soil nutrient content information. Our technology is easily and readily deployable in rural areas and software based, it helps faicilitate soil mapping and amendment programs for farmers organizations.
Limitations of Conventional Approach
Mehlich (I,II,III)
Hot Water
• Sample preparation (drying, heating grinding, sieving,...), is time consuming
The above could also alter soil characteristics
Extractant choice varies with soil type
Soil transportation and preservation could be a challenge
Fertility Evaluation (Ion Exchange Membrane Technology)
Extractants could draw from nutrient pools (e.g., Ca-P, Fe/Al-P, OM-P) not readily available to plants
Contact time of soil and extractant is critical – too short or too long could produce false results
Harsh chemicals are often used
Matrix problems caused by some extractants could trouble instruments and alter results
Advantages of Ion Exchange Membrane Technology
● Cost effective
● Saves time
● No lab needed in the immediate vicinity
● Eliminate transportation of soil samples
● No soil sample alteration
● Simulate root behavior and reflect true soil
● A greater proportion of soil exchange sites are in contact with the membrane (compared to 2g, 1g samples for traditional approaches)
● Seamless transportation of membrane
● A tool that can be deployed in remote areas (limited lab facilities)
Advantages of Ion Exchange Membrane Technology
Nutrientconcentrationsin resulting samples are measured using ICP, Lachat, etc.
Equations are used to determine nutrient concentrations in mg/kg, lb/acre or kg/ha
Nutrientrecommendationsare then developed
Usesmembranematerials (cation and anion membranes)
Themembranematerialsare regenerated before use with counter ions
Membraneistypically inserted into the soil for a set time, after which it is removed, rinsed with appropriate solution(s) and rinsate collected for analysis